
Membership in Professional Bodies



  1. Asia Pacific Network  – EML Japan
  2. European Geoscientist Union   – Complementary        Germany
  3. Euro-Ocean Consortium             -Associated Scientist UK
  4. OSWD -Life Member –India Italy 
  5. Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association          Zanzibar 
  6. World Association of Copepodologist (WAC) Taiwan
  7. International Paleolimnological Association (IPA)  U.S
  8. The Micropalentological Society (TMS)  U.K
  9. Scientific Committee of Revue de -Micropaleontologie U.K



  1. Indian Science Congress Association    Kolkata 
  2. University Women Scientist Association Chennai
  3. Indian Association of Aquatic Biology  Hyderabad
  4. Limnological Society of India  Chennai
  5. Marine Biological Association of India Cochin
  6. Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences Chennai 
  7. Natural History Society Mumbai


Invited Talks


  1. R.Ramanibai 2015 “Sources of ground water pollution along with grouping of microbial community in and around Chennai” Two days workshop on “Micro pollutants in water and their hazards” IGCS ,IIT Madras  from 12 to 13th Jan 2015.
  2. Ramanibai R. 2016. “Zooplankton as an alternative diet for Aquaform” State level seminar on “Exploring Marine resources” Department of oceanography and costal studies, Alagappa University, Thondi Campus, Thondi. 19th Feb. 
  3. Ramanibai R. 2016. “Zooplankton diversity” Centenary celebration of Zoological Survey of India and National Seminar on the faunal diversity of Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats. ZSI, Chennai. 3rd to 4th March. pp:46-58.
  4. Ramanibai R. 2016. “Role of Herbal Medicines in Human Health” Conservation of herbs Herbal Medicines, Bharath University, Selaiyur Chennai. 3rd to 4th March
  5. Ramanibai R. 2016. “Nuts and Bolts Research” One day seminar on Research Methodology. Meenakshi University, Channai. Dec 16th 2016.

Ramanibai R. 2017. Brain strom meeting at Banasthali Woman’s University in Rajasthan during Feb 24th to 25.