About us

Vision and Mission

Our Vision 

Praya endeavors to promote conciliation between women and environment interdependence through education, awareness, self-development and gender equity for better management of natural resources.

Our Mission

Develop programs to recognize academic talent, sustain rural sports, local culture and arts for self-development of girls in backward regions.

To support interns / small projects for study of aquatic Bio diversity and Ecosystem management with special regard to water quality at undergraduate / graduate levels.

To support lectures, special talks, dissemination, information systems on biodiversity, water and environment including documentation of historical information.


Praya has a modest origin in 2017 as a trust to promote charitable activities for betterment of women, especially during their early career. Water and environment are important natural resources for livelihoods in villages of India. Girls and women being the direct stakeholders, their knowledge about environment and cultural interrelationships could lead to a better understanding of life. This will be the driver for the activities of PRAYA.

The members of the trust having been given good education and gender parity in their family wish to propagate it to those underprivileged living in rural and economically backward areas. A corpus was created by the trustees of Praya from out of the funds left over by their parents and interest accrued thereon. Activities of the Praya will be supported through earnings from the interest at present.


To establish, conduct, contribute to the improvement of environmental conciliation through research, education, extension, dissemination, gender equity and help promote understanding of environmental relations of women.

To support technical internship in areas of aquatic systems, biodiversity and environmental conservation research to undergraduate or graduate students.

To support educational and cultural needs of economically backward children, especially girl students living in rural areas and institute awards for studies, sports, rural arts and culture.

To assist in conduct of lectures, seminars, symposia in areas of water, environment, women and their interrelationships.

To disseminate information on local natural resources, especially water and biodiversity to stimulate social interest in conservation.

Our Members